Tag Archives: Tools for Collaboration

Getting into the swing of things

There’s a reason there was such a large emphasis on web tools this quarter: using web communication tools, like blog and micro-blog platforms, provides the possibility of immediate connection. There are no editors to go through or submission guidelines. It is just you and the audience. However, learning how to navigate those web communication tools and use them to their maximum potential is not easy.

The blogs presented in class were fantastic, and I was left thinking about different links or hints I could provide here for people excited about exploring blogging further. I could not think of anything. Most resources are site or problem specific (side note: the wordpress guide to wordpress is located in the blog roll). There is no one how-to manual that I could point to as the Rosetta Stone of web tools.

Fortunately, there is another way to master the skills needed to effectively use these tools – hours of trial and error. Speaking from experience, there will be many trials and oh so many errors. After this quarter, I’m betting you can relate.

For those of you who have discovered an interest in this form of communication, pursue it! It will not necessarily start out feeling easy and that is OK.  I remember struggling with embedding youtube clips in blog posts when I first started. I’ll be honest – it was a struggle that almost ended with my computer in two pieces. As you keep going with your blogging, you will find that it becomes easier. Learning how to utilize technology to communicate effectively is a process that never fully stops. The only thing you can do is jump in feet first and enjoy the ride.

Some Collaborative Tools for Science

A few weeks ago, we were lucky enough to have Carl Boettiger come in and talk about academic blogging and collaboration. He created this list of resources for collaboration and talks about some of the risks and rewards associated with sharing research online. Follow the link to his blog and enjoy.